Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rise and Walk

So yesterday, I went to see my massage therapist at the gym and she did an ice therapy, AKA, Torture Therapy on my ankle. Thing 1 decided to say prayers for mommy twice yesterday because he could tell how sad I was. Lo and behold when I get up this morning.....what to my wondering eyes did appear?? Part of an ankle bone. That's right folks an ankle bone. I haven't seen that since Sunday! So I hobbled to wake up the Things for school and realized it didn't hurt even half as bad as yesterday. STAND UP AND BE HEALED! Yippeeee, maybe I'll heal fast enough to still compete afterall. I was beginning to have doubts yesterday but now I'm more hopeful.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 have their last day of school today. Then I'll have WAY more help than I need for the next two months. Thing 1 proclaimed since his prayer worked he didn't want to see those "crunches" against the wall when he got home since he thinks I no longer need them. Poor baby just can't manage to pronounce it right but I think it's really cute. They have also developed a hearing problem since they think I won't come after them. Don't they know I have a crutch now??? I'm much more dangerous than I was before. Guess they know I won't use it. ....or wiiilllll I?

Off to the gym I go today to work out with The Punisher today. He's great working around my foot. He even carries my stuff for me....isn't he sweet? Yeah, you go ahead and think that while he's punishing me with 45lb dumbells on shoulders today. He's leaving town today, so I'm on my own until Monday since my workout partner has a competition coming up and is training a bit differently. Hopefully, I'll be back on track when he gets back.


At 6:31 AM, Blogger mikster said...'s to hoping you don't have to use the crutches on the things. (for some reason referring to them as things amuses me)

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Speckledpup said...

very nice.

The PUp

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Melanie said...

I think you should call them Twister 1 and 2! Glad you are feeling better.


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