Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Race is ON!!!

Ya hear me out there people?! Nothings stopping me now..NOTHING. The Punisher measured my body fat percentage today and lets just say I'm a little behind schedule. Nothing that a few fat burners, insane cardio, militant diet, and lots of sprints won't cure. As of tomorrow I am only 5 weeks away from my competition. I was beginning to think the sprained ankle may take me out of the running but today I threw down the crutches. I can even almost walk without a limp. Wooohooo, freedom! I immediately became a missing person though when I opened my laundry shoot door to start the laundry since it had been piling up all week. Hellooooo, can anyone out there hear me?? Oh, please, the smell.

So Thing 1 and Thing 2 had their last day of school and are out for the summer. Already they expected to stay up really late. Hellooo, you are SEVEN. I can't take the wrath of a tired seven year old, so off to bed with the both of you. I'm sorry, maybe you didn't hear me. Oh...I forgot I'm off the crutches now... RUN!! Run for your little lives! Guess they can tell I'm still slow.

Hubs seemed disappointed I had healed so well while he was off at work today. Guess he was hoping not to have to spend the money to be in Vegas for four days. Guess he thought he was going to be able to cancel the trip and save his money...little miser that he is. Guess again pal, start packing.

So off to bed I am since no one around here can stand the wrath of a tired ThirtyTen year old. I can sleep well tonite knowing I didn't make it on Dallas K's or Football Widow's Fug Thursday blog. Nice to know I have Fugging Immunity. Phew...G'nite


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Kami said...

Oh. Seven-year-olds don't get to stay up until midnight? ;)

Go buy some nude bras now.

At 6:04 AM, Blogger ThirtyTen said...

Wow Valeri, you're up late! Not a matter of's a matter of being able to jump hurdles, run sprints, and scale a 15 foot wall within a week. That was a little questionable. I think I'm going to make it though :-)


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