Monday, May 29, 2006


(disclaimer: for the friends of mine that are not hip to Titty Tuesday, be not alarmed....there are no pics of boobs on this site, so just read on)

To Implant or Not to Implant.....that is the question.

I have pondered throughout the years what it would be like to actually have boobs that were mine. Not ones that had been strapped to my chest by way of the padded, push-up, secret weapon, patent pending, gel, water, seamless, get what I'm saying??? Au Natural is what I would like to experience just once. I'd love to put on one of those cutsie little summer tops with the "shelf bra" built in that I could actually have something to put into. A shelf bra only works if you have something to put on the shelf!! Those shelves also need more support. Maybe some molly bolts or wing bolts, something to keep it from sliding down to my navel. I won't even talk about the cutsie, strapless tops that don't even bother with the weak shelf. That being said, hubs said the other day that he was on board with me getting implants and would give me the money to do this after my last competition of the year. That way I would have some time to heal before I had to start lifting again. Initially, I was ecstatic!! Wooohooooo! Boobs at last!! After a while when it had finally sunk in that it would become a reality after years of complaining I got a little freaked out. What if I was one of the % of people that something went horribly wrong??? What if they didn't look like I expected and I'm unhappy with them?? What if hubs never looks me in the eye AGAIN? Is it worth endangering your life to go under the knife for something that's not life threatening in the least?? Am I really that unhappy with the way I look? Okay, that last statement was stupid. Of course I am or I wouldn't have been complaining about it in the first place. And what about my age? Is it stupid not to have done this when I' was younger instead of waiting until I'm ThirtyTen? These are the questions that are running through my mind. The shallow side of me screams GO FOR IT! But the cautious, more reasonable side says, " Is it worth risking not being able to watch your kids grow up?" A little dramatic, I know, but something going wrong is a definate possibility that I have to consider. It happens every day. Someone goes in to have a wart removed and BAM, they're dead. Some staph infection that's sneaking around the hospital and is resistant to drugs. Then there's the issue with the man of the house. He already has issues keeping his hands to himself now that I'm in shape. What if he thinks these are HIS new toys?? What if I never get a moments sleep ever again? He loves me just the way I am, but I think he's secretly more excited at the prospect than I am.

SO there you have it. The question being proposed here is : To Implant or Not....Voice your opinions!!


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Speckledpup said...

having DD's I never understand people who want larger breasts....
but it's becuase I've lived with them and you haven't.

My advice, don't go over two cup sizes bigger than you are now. Really one, will make a difference for you.

On my side, I would have breast augmentation in a second. However, HE doesn't want me to.
So I understand the need to change.

If you really want to do it, go for it. Unlike augmentation, it's not irreversable.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Kami said...

I don't know. I'm too much of a wuss, I guess. I always told myself I wouldn't get surgery like that unless I NEEDED to. Again - wuss and pain issues.

Just make sure they look natural, or something. So, we aren't like, "Dude, are those hers?" ;)

If you do consider it, do NOT watch any of those shows on Discovery Health. :)


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