Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Don't "Get" It

Why is it when a person is strange or quirky it suddenly becomes the rest of the world's fault for not "getting" them? I'm a reasonable, tolerant person, so why is it my fault when you feel misunderstood? Explain to me in your Oddball Person Terms how it's my brain malfunctioning and not yours. Every person's different in their own way. Football Widow's glasses have to be in her cabinet a particular way. I don't "get" that, but I'm sensitive to it. Thing 2 has to have the things on his dresser in an exact and particular spot or he comes apart. I'm sensitive to that, too. Hubs wants us to refer to him as "The King"...I totally "get" that but that's another post! What I don't "get" is when a family member you've been super close to all your life suddenly decides he doesn't want to be a part of your life anymore. No explanation, even when you hold his feet to the fire with questioning. My brother has systematically taken all his family members out of his and his children's lives with the exception of our 91 year old grandmother. I suppose he figures she's not going to be around too much longer anyway, so what could it hurt. He makes jokes about being the "estranged" brother or son...depends on his relation to who he's talking to. First I was heartbroken, then I got mad. It was easier being mad. Yesterday, I found out he's in an ICU across town fighting for his life after crashing his motorcycle into a tree. I immediately returned to heartbroken and spent the day crying and saddened by the fact that I haven't had much time with him over the past 2 years.

It makes me wonder though. Will he realize how valuable his family would have been when they could help his wife with their three kids while he spends months in the hospital? Will he value the time he may have missed watching his nephews grow up and now spend it with them? All I can do is hope. I will not hesitate to jump in and do all I can while he starts his long road of recovery. How will I feel in the end if I'm dismissed again when it's all over? I will go back to being mad probably....that's easier anyway. I know I'll have no regrets though and that's more than he would be able to say. I love him in spite of himself, I miss him terribly, and I hope this traumatic event changes things for him and he allows his family back into his life. Until then I'll take what I can get and know that I never gave him a reason to stop loving me.

On another note...can I just say I HATE being a pedestrian??? I'm not even good at that since I'm still on "crunches". Hubs won't let me drive until I get my stitches out and my ankle stops being sore. I feel like a prisoner in my own house. He's returned to work so I have no way to take the boys anywhere and they're "bored to death" as they put it. Long week for ThirtyTen I'm afraid. At least after I get my stitches out we can go to the pool..."crunches" and all. Until then I fear I'll go nutty and no one will "get" me after I return!!


At 8:42 AM, Blogger mikster said...

I hope everything goes well for your brother and that this is a wake-up call for him to not alienate family. Not the kind of wake-up call I would've recommended though.


I hope you get mobile very soon.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Speckledpup said...

oh I get you.

Can someone else take the boys for a activity every day.
Even a trip to the grocery store will help with their boredom.

I understand. The Chunk (my baby) spends a lot of time at home during the summer.... it's his lot in life. We try to take him everywhere, even if it's a dentist appointment, we have to go in our off hours.
Just to get him out and about.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Kami said...

I don't know what to tell you. I know that you and FW are feeling the same, but different things. I am sorry that he is hurt, and hopefully it will make him change his behavior.

Now, about your sister and her funky glasses habits...

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

First of all,what the hell is this old music on your blog???

Second of all, I still haven't cried about this. Until I read this post. Thanks you beeotch :)

Well, tears didn't actually fall but my eyes welled up. I'm still mad. I'm getting better. I'm still trying to figure out what all I'm mad about. Our relationship, our lunch last week, his lack of answers, my broken heart, his accident...

Ugh. At least you and I appreciate family and "get" each other. Except for the glass thing. I'm sure you have some weirdo thing I can post about. Hmmm.....


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