Friday, June 23, 2006

Random Rantings From a Gimp

I got nuthin'....for three days now. So sad. So here are some random thoughts in no particular order.

1. When I ordering something thru the drive thru if someone ends their order with the phrase "and that's all", don't ask me if I'd like to add a fry or a pie...were you listenining? I said "and that's all" geez

2. When I roll up on the check out at the grocery store and I'm having a tough time keeping things from falling out of the overstuffed basket, I think it's pretty obvious I "found everything okay"

3. When I call the insurance company or any company I have an account or member number with and the computer bitch tells me to key it in.....WHY when the live person finally comes on is that the first thing they ask me for??? Why do they make you enter all the information if they're just going to flippin' ignore you?! THAT REALLY annoys me!

4. AND I love how those same companies, that have kept you on the phone an extra 15 minutes by asking you to press 1 or say yes, THEN ask you to stay on and take a survey at the end. Yeah, I have no life and love to push buttons. It totally turns me on....put me right through.

5. I hate how certain computer programs such as MS Word think they have the right to just change something without asking you first. If I wanted it that way, that's how I would've typed it. I have to find a way to turn that feature off. My keyboard will thank me.

6. Don't talk loudly on your cell phone while you're on the treadmill or elliptical. No one around you cares about what you have to say. We're all just looking for something to throw into your machine that will catapult you over the rail and downstairs into the tile floor.

7. Don't ask a woman pushing a double stroller if the babies are twins. They can't leave their house without being asked that question 10-20 times. Just assume they're twins and move on. Especially don't ask if they're identical when one is a girl and one is a boy....are you serious? Also don't ask if they do EVERYTHING at the same time. I actually had a woman ask me when the Things were little if they pooped at exactly the same time. Huh? Please disappear you sick woman.

8. I think men should still open doors for women. My boys do it ALL the time and they're 7!! It's a dying trait and it makes me sad. I'm glad to know that when the Things are old enough to date the girls will be floored at their chivalry. I wouldn't have it any other way.

9. If your child is clearly overweight please stop letting them eat everything they want and taking them to fast food restaurants. It breaks my heart when I see a family out and a child that weighs double what they should is pigging out on something horribly unhealthy. You're killing your child....they don't know any better. Have you read the news or watched TV???? There are 10 year olds seeing cardiologists for the same issues our grandparents are. What's wrong with that picture?? Don't assume they won't like vegetables and give them only fries. At least give them a chance. I could stay on this soap box all day, so I'll leave it for now.

10. I saved the best for last.....women respect your husbands. I know it's hard for some women and its alot of fun when the girls get together to trash their husbands. Most of that is just done in fun and is no big deal. But HE needs to know you love and respect him. Society does nothing but tear men down especially in media. Think about the kids shows and sitcoms for a minute. ALL the dads are morons. What message are we sending our sons??? We have to show our sons that men matter, are important, are needed, are respected. Do we want our daughters growing up to marry morons? I think not. I think we have to raise the men in our families up. When we do, they are more confident and secure and take better care of the people around them. Otherwise, they lay on the couch with the remote because they don't feel like they matter. I expect some backlash from this one, but that's o.k. I stand firm.

Happy Friday!!


At 5:44 PM, Blogger mikster said...

Good stuff!

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Doug Bagley said...

Great random thoughts. Glad I stopped by.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

OMG. #3

I get so beligerant (in my mind) when I get the person and they ask for the number. I swear each time I'm not going to tell them and make them figure out based on the number I previously keyed in.

Someday I'm gonna snap and try that...

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Notsocranky Yankee said...

Great random thoughts. I especially like #9. Have you ever noticed those families where they all look really fat? No, it's not genetics people! Stop stuffing your faces with crappy food! I was standing in front of a McDonald's in Rome Italy last week, wondering who would eat there when there are so many great restaurants. Then a woman as wide as she was tall walked in. 'Nuff said...

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Dude, you're starting to scare me...

We need to go drink some beer.


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