Who...Me?? Snore???
Last night was the longest night of my life at Football Widow's house. I know what you're thinking. Munchkin cried all night, right? WRONG!! Her dog snores...and I mean SNORES!! He snores louder than my grandfather!! Just when I would start to drift off, he'd let one of those really loud ones rip and would scare the crap out of me! I don't have any idea how they sleep with this noise maker in their room every night. Around 3am I couldn't take it ANYMORE...so I made him go out into the living room. Then he just sat outside the bedroom door whining...and whining...and whining. Then I started freaking out wondering if it was because he needed to go out. Football Widow would fire me for good if I let her dog pee - or worse - in the house. So I get up and open the door and he FLIES back into the room and nearly knocks me over getting back into his bed. UGH. So I'm not much fun for Munchkin this morning. So tired I feel like I'm hungover. Thank goodness Thing 1 and 2 are here to help.
Yeah, our new baby snores, too.
I will admit it's really bad!
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