Thursday, June 01, 2006


Oh, how I love FUG THURSDAY. The day in which my friends post hideous pictures of fashion don'ts and people that are usually, in a word, a trainwreck. I love Fug Thursday not just for the pictures but for the education. Football Widow and her friends are around 10 years younger than me and apparently the rules have become more complicated. Growing up I was taught the basics...don't wear white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day, make sure your belt, shoes, and purse are the same color, etc. Now granted, my mother was MOST DEFINATELY NOT a fashion monger....but when I was younger I stayed on top of things with fashion mags and such, just as Football Widow and her friends. After having children I fell into the horrific soccer mom faze. Luckily my sister (Football Widow) rescued me from the unforgivable "Mom jeans" disaster. I recently received an email with pics of horrible mom jean accidents and I was relieved! I narrowly escaped getting Fugged for that one! I recently learned you never, ever, wear a white bra under a white shirt. I actually had to call my sister for an explanation on this one. My brain has never fully recovered from carrying Thing 1 and Thing 2 and sometimes I just get this blank stare. That's what happened when I read that particular Fug. Furthermore, if the shirt is a tank top you must make sure the bra is a racerback. See....I never wear racerbacks with tank tops because it's more bothersome for me to have the straps show around the tops of my shoulders and neck than from behind. Maybe I'm not buying the right kind??? I'll have to investigate this Fug a little more in the weeks to come. So thanks Football Widow and Dallas K's for not Fugging me and giving your family fugging immunity :-).

I am on a mission for a Fug of my own. There's a girl at the gym from another country...and what she wears to work out in is shocking. You would think she would notice how bad she stuck out, but I think maybe she likes it that way. Hopefully, I'll be able to lurk close enough to get a shot soon! Til then, check out Dallas K's Fug this week. Poor Britney....


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Kami said...

You are cracking me up. It must be hard to have a diva sister, and stuff.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Shut it Kami.

Ok. Let me explain the bra thing. The racerback is for regular tanks. Not strappy tanks. With a strappy tank you are to use the built in bra or wear a srapless bra. But, from your previous post it seems as though you need to just wear regular tanks. The racerback is also good for just strapless shirts b/c then it your straps don't show.

If I ever catch you wearing a strappy tank with a racerback bra I will take your picture for FUG. After I quit laughing at your, of course :)


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