Friday, June 09, 2006

Vegas in July??? Whatever..

The Punisher and I had a long talk today about whether or not I would be able to train well enough for July's competition since it's now 4 weeks away. I'm not close to being able to run, jump, hurdles, box jumps or any of that. So, we agreed it's really unrealistic to think I would make it by then and have time to be prepared. So last night to make myself feel better, I ate whatever I wanted and drank a few too many margaritas. Aaaahhh, now everything's right with the world, haha! If only. I had my first rehab appointment today, though, and he said he could have me back at 90% within 2 weeks. The Punisher is building my workouts around what the Doc said I should and shouldn't do. Hubs is being very sweet and supportive with my decision and I love him for it. So now I'm just going to focus on the NPC Heart of Texas show in September. There is going to be another Women's TriFit event in November and so I'm planning to do that one instead. That way, I'll already be leaned down from the NPC show and I can focus on agility until November. So, no more discussions about injuries as it's not a huge issue for the time being.

I'm staying at Football Widow's house with munchkin this weekend while she and her hubby are partying it up in Mexico for their anniversary. Hola Chicka....drink 'em up for me!! I hope they have fun!! They've had a hectic month with moving and she's been traveling alot for work. I'm trying desperately not to spoil the Munchkin too terribly bad while she's gone....I'm failing. He's just so damn cute and giggly!! Thing 1 and Thing 2 came with me and they took Munchkin out in the backyard and played in the sprinklers with him. He thought that was just too cool. No, it's NOT white trash when you do it in the backyard, only the front. Besides, it's not my neighborhood so what do I care? They have a neighborhood pool but he had more fun running around in the grass in his diapers. Grass and dirt ALL OVER Football Widow's new house....must... find...swiffer... before they return!! I think for fun I'm going to rearrange Mrs. OCD's drinking glass cabinet. Whaddya think? Should I go for it? While I'm at it, I think I'll move around all the rugs, too. Oh SHIT...she reads this blog. Damn. Sorry, Sis, just trying to pass the time while all the crazy kids are passed out. Going to clean up now....


At 9:09 PM, Blogger mikster said...

I'd feel free to redecorate...what the

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Valeri you are killing me! I'm actually too tired to go look at see what's been changed!

Thanks again sis! You are the best :)


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