Das Boot...
So I had enough of my ankle killing me and no one listening. I've been telling the people that have been working on me that the inside of my ankle hurts worse than the outside. They all look at me like I'm crazy because the torn ligaments are on the outside. This past weekend I could barely walk. It's been four weeks since I turned it working out, so I considered that to be not so normal. I made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to rule out a stress fracture as that is often overlooked in the initial X-Rays. Especially if you are very swollen, which I was when I took the X-rays at the hospital. I went in today and they re-took the X-rays since I had been walking around on it for four weeks. He came in and said they were clear and I thought I was off the hook. Okay, cool, I'll just work through the pain. As long as I know I'm not causing anymore damage I'm alright with that. It hurt enough that I was afraid to work and push through it, so that's why I made this appointment. At the very end of the examination he had me do something that made him go....ahaaaa!!! I don't like Ahaaa's. Especially when they come to my medical well being. Turns out I have a ruptured tendon. Not just any tendon either....the one that supports the arch in your foot. Apparently, if that tendon ruptured completely in half, you're a flat foot and have issues for life. Within 60 seconds, they had me in this large, obnoxious boot and scheduled for an MRI. I have the MRI on Thursday but won't find out until Tuesday to what degree the tendon is torn. The approach to get me healed will be determined at that time. Until then, I have this huge boot in 100 degree weather. Nice. The Punisher won't like this for sure. He won't have me in the squat rack any time soon which will annoy him to no end. He loves me though, so I know he won't REALLY be annoyed. Just anxious to get back to our old routine. So will I...believe me. Part of me is relieved though to be honest, to know that now no one will think I was just being wimp. Crazy, I know. I'm probably one of the only people they've had going around the free weight area on crutches, pressing on, no matter what. But somewhere, I've wondered deep inside, does anyone think I'm just using this as an excuse??? Surely not, but I wondered anyway. I'm honestly just glad I listened to my instincts and followed up on it even though others in the medical profession led me to believe I was fine. Always listen to your body. When it gives you a shot of pain that means, "back the F#*k off"....listen.
I'm pretty sure you can add this to the reasons that I don't exercise. ;)
Seriously though...take care of yourself, that sounds ouchie!!!
You're cracking me up. I don't know why you think people would think that you are faking. You're such a nut. I have extememly high arches and couldn't imagine having flat feet. Ugh.
Well, I guess it's bench presses this week for you!
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