Here's Thing 1's Sunday Six as brought to us by Kelly. Thing 2 could not participate as he was getting disciplined at the time by hubs!
1. What does Summer Solstice mean? A pencil?
2. What do you like best about summer? Because it has wide open space, is very hot and I love it.
3. Is summer always hot? YES and it’s hot to death!
4. What do you do during the summer? Play with my friends and my family ‘cause I really go to school sometimes a lot.
5. Which do you like best, summer, winter, spring or fall? I love summer the best
6. What do you not like about summer? When we have a bad time in summer and I hate it to death.
As you can tell by #6 the Things are not having much fun this summer with a gimpy mom. Hopefully I'll get out of this boot soon and we can be off to the water park!
I love the last comment!
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