Thursday, July 13, 2006

NOW what....

Just when we started to relax a bit on our brother's condition, we find out yesterday he has another bridge to cross. They found a blod clot in the leg that's broken and will have to snake down thru the jugular today to put in a "net" to catch it if it breaks off. After he recovers a bit more they'll give him blood thinners to help it break up. They are finding new injuries every day. They now believe he has a broken nose or other bones in his face and a broken hand. I am sure they will continue to find things especially when he's coherent enough to start complaining about pain, etc. They haven't scanned his neck yet and he's still in a collar. I would think that would be one of the first things you'd check but what do I know. He has surgery later today to piece his leg and hip back together with rods and pins. So throw some prayers his way today if you can.

On a happier note, my husband bought me a Palm One Treo phone and I signed all the paperwork on the new "girls" to be implanted on the 8th...woot, woot!!! I can hardly wait. I have to say I got a little anxious at all the risks I had to sign off on but I know those things are not common. I have not briefed The Punisher on my decision to have that surgery yet...he's gonna freak. I won't be able to lift heavy for about 6 weeks. He's chomping at the bit and counting the days until I get off the crutches and out of the boot. He's going to be so deflated. Poor Punisher. I must find him someone else to torture while I'm gone!! Any volunteers??

I'm off to take the boys swimming at a neighbor's house. She's the best!! She sprung us from the house yesterday and took us to Target. You would have thought it was Six Flags as excited as we were to get out!


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Kami said...

The Punisher will be deflated, while you will be inflated.


Brother will be okay. He will. He has a long road ahead of him, but he'll get down it.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe this accident will be the turning point where your brother changes...maybe...

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

I got nuthin' witty to say. Kami stole my thunder.


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