Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Okay, I've been a boring blogger this week...I'm sorry, now shut up. My sister sprung me this weekend to go see The Devil Wears Prada. It was really good but it made me sad to know I would never spend that kind of money on clothes. Maybe when the boys leave home. I just have the hardest time when I shop to buy things for myself. I need to go on a shopping trip with Kami and Football Widow so they can girl-me-up. I live in workout clothes and tennis shoes. I don't even own a pair of high heels I think. I have an amazing collection of flip flops though!

I FINALLY had my follow up from my ankle surgery yesterday. Got the stitches out so now I can take a shower. Thank goodness. I'm down to one crutch and am determined to be off of them altogether tomorrow. I have my first rehab appointment today and am very much dreading it. The Doc was pushing my foot in different directions and I thought I would puke. Maybe the PT guy will be a little more gentle. I thought they were scoping me, so I was shocked to look down and see a two inch incision. No wonder it hurt while it was crammed into the boot! I'll still be in the boot for a few more weeks, but I can take it off more during the day now as long as I'm not walking without it. The boys are really excited about me getting off the "crunches" and are already making plans for us to get out and do stuff!

Our brother is doing better and I found out today he may get out in a few days. That totally amazes me. Back in the day they would have held onto him for an entire month. They want to send him to a rehab hospital before going home but he's fighting against it. Guess we'll see later this week who wins.

That's all I got. Sorry it's not witty. I'll try to do better tomorrow!!


At 2:20 PM, Blogger mikster said...

Don't feel bad...I don't own any high heels either. Good to see you're getting more mobile and getting outta the house.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Kami said...

I bet Mike does have some heels.

I still can't believe that your bro is home already. He must have paid someone off at the hospital or something.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

We've got to work on that high heels thing. Even my flip flops aren't flat.

You know HOW to get girly. You just don't DO it!


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