Monday, October 23, 2006

Breaking Radio Silence...

Nope. I'm not dead, I wasn't abducted by aliens, I didn't evacuate to another country, AND I didn't lose my fingers in a tragic accident thus preventing me from blogging. It's worse...much worse. I started a new company with my husband. I say worse only from a time perspective as the new gig has taken off like a rocket. The problem is finding time just to do the simple things like clean my house, hug my kids, and wash my hair. Ugh. So I'm taking a bit of a break this week since the dust has settled a bit and thought I would post before someone hacked in and posted an obituary.

The girls have settled in and I love wearing all my new fun tops! Can't wait for blog blowout...and um...they won't be making a finale appearance girls, sorry!! I have this wierd excruciating pain along my right side though that I think is related to the surgery. I'm thinking nerve damage at this point, so hopefully it will repair itself. The right girl is still totally numb, too, which totally creeps me out. Doc says that should come back in the next few months. Other than that, it's so great to look proportionate in clothes for a change.

Last week was my first week back in the gym consistantly since I got the girls. It was awesome seeing MuscleMomma again and getting sweaty and stuff! After leg day it was quite painful to get around for a few days, so I'm thinking we need to ease back into legs a bit more slowly than we thought. MuscleMomma is coming back from an injury, so we're starting back in the same place. Our goal now is the Texas Shredder next May. Fingers crossed I don't get derailed again next year!!!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are doing awesome in school and so far it's been a great year. I've been warned that third grade is hell, so I'll enjoy it while I can. We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday then went and took munchkin to Build a Bear. Unfortuantely, he was much more excited about pounding away at the computer. Maybe he'll warm up to his monkey at a later date! I have a cute pic but can't get it off my camera for some reason.

That's enough updating for now and I have lots of work to get done today....Great to be back though!!


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Well, lookie who's here!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

I heard through the grapevine that you posted today! For some reason I can't get on blogger.

Good to "see" you!

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Brighton said...

Glad your back! I had the same issues with my breasts after surgery, it will pass : )


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