Saturday, November 11, 2006

Adventures with the Munckin!

Can I just say I have the easiest gig of all this weekend? Where did this kid come from?? What almost-two-year-old tells YOU when it's time to go to bed? Then he just lays right down and out he goes. Always laughing, never crying, I have the most amazing nephew on the planet:-)!

Here's a few pics of our adventures with Thing 1 and Thing 2 today...

Hi!!! This is me eating in the living room!!! NO! Thing 1 and Thing 2 CANNOT eat in here...only me (big grin). Thing 2 looking on jealously...

This is the "weeeee!" that Munchkin made me slide down with him on. I told the other parents to put the fire department on standby as I wasn't so sure my booty wouldn't get stuck on the way down. At the bottom Munchkin squeeled...One Moh!! One Moh!! Moh weeeeee!! Since I didn't get stuck we slid down 102 more times.

When your cousins are twins you get pushed from the front AND the back.

That's great can stop for a candid but you better start pushing again in about 22 seconds!

When your kids bring play weapons of any kind to the park and hold each other hostage at the top of the slide, the other mommies won't let their kids play with them. I'm just sayin...

I'm grinning at my Auntie like this so when they put the chocolate cake down in front of us at dinner later.... she won't care when I eat it all. Whatever it takes.

Munckin was a riot at dinner. When they brought the cake, he flung his pizza and yelled..."YUMMY!!!". I think it must have been the most magnificent thing he had ever seen! Did you know if you stabbed your cousin with a spoon that it would buy you just enough time to quickly get another bite while they composed themselves?? As you may remember from my last stay at Football Widow's place, her dog STILL snores loud enough to wake the dead. O...M....G.....I would never have believed it was possible for such a small animal to make such a loud noise.

Well, I'm off to see what things in my OCD sister's house I can move out of place to drive her mad....


At 5:59 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Looks like such fun! All those boys are too cute. It's nice that you have those built-in swing pushers, too.

I wonder what the other moms found offensive about the weapons and the hostage situation. Weird.

Mess with her drinking glasses.

I told you to take your ear plugs!

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

I LOVE those pictures!!! Thanks for taking such great care of him. We are so lucky to have such a great aunt and cousins for him to play with!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Seriously. I have to get those pics of the three of them. I just have visions of them for the future...


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