Friday, November 10, 2006

Munchkin Madness

I'm all geared up for my weekend with Munchkin!! I can't wait pick him up from school today...I absolutely love that baby! My sister made me a dictionary with all his words so I could translate, but I think if I remember that every word ends in "T" I'll be okay! I'm only taking one Thing at a time over to stay with me each night. Thing 1 is going with me tonite and Thing 2 is going on Saturday. That way they can each get some "alone" time with daddy. I've been trying to think of some fun things to do with Munchkin while I have him but it's been so long since I've had a baby I can only come up with the park or the zoo. He has so much fun playing with his cousins though that I don't think he'll really care what else we do.

We're hitting legs at the gym again today...heavy sigh. I have to do them twice a week in order to get them caught up for May's show. My upper body is coming back quite quickly which is a huge relief. I didn't lay off of upper body as long as legs though. The leg workouts stopped when I got injured in May. We're getting stronger each week though and we were so excited when we squatted 155 on Monday. Seems funny to be excited over what we would have considered pretty light 6 months ago. I guess it's the progress that's exciting.

MuscleMomma and me are going to start selling workout shirts and gym accessories. I will leave the "P" word off of them Kami...I promise. It started out with me making MuscleMomma a shirt and constantly coming up with smart ass sayings for new ones. Finally she decided we needed to market them and share them with the world! We're going to have a booth at the shows and start an online store. We have alot of connections that we could get our site linked to numerous pros and industry professionals. I'm excited because it will just be for fun!! We figure the money can support our training expenses...which have been kicking my ass lately. I'm not even paying the Punisher right now and I've dropped several hundred dollars already this month. Supplements are so expensive. I counted last night and I have 7 pills I take three times a day!! So if we sell enough the company can sponsor us and pay for everything....woohoooo! Now I have to go think of a clever name for our fun little company.....


At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kami said...

You guys will have so much fun! Don't forget your earplugs for "Dota."


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