Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Our Halloween Heist

Thing 1 and Thing 2 had an awesome time trick or treating with their friends last night. We're so blessed to be in such a wonderful neighborhood full of kids the boys go to school with. The neighbors go all out decorating, too. We even had one house that had all the smoke going everwhere and when you knocked on the door Darth Vader answered with his glowing red light saber! I thought the boys were going to pop a vein!! Everyone went house to house together in droves and had alot of fun......except Hubs. When the whole family leaves their house to go out around here, we just leave our bowl of candy on the porch and the kids take a few pieces and move on. We have TONS of people that come to trick or treat in our neighborhood that don't live here. Knowing that from years passed I buy tons of candy. I have no problem with little children coming to trick or treat in a neighborhood they feel safe in. I would certainly do it if I lived somewhere I wouldn't feel comfortable taking my children around at. soon as we left our house last night and went to the house across the street, this pack of girls and one woman (who I assume was the mom) were dropped off from an old suburban and ran to our house. They were there a few minutes and then ran off. Hubs and his policeman's sixth sense told him something wasn't right, so he went up to the front porch to check. They dumped the ENTIRE bowl into their bags! Hubs was furious and chased after them. He lit that woman's ass UP and she promptly marched back down to the house and dumped it back in the bowl. Now if this woman had seen how this man carves a pumpkin......

she would have thought better of looting his candy! What really burns me up is, what kind of example does she think she's setting for her girls (she had about four of them with her)? They continued around the neighborhood dumping out bowl after bowl. I just wanted to kick her little witchy ass!! Hubs starting worrying though that they would come back and mess with our house or cars, etc. He started wishing he really hadn't even said anything because NOW they know where we live. I don't think she'll come back around here again after psycho chased her down but I guess we'll see.

Well, it's over. Thing 1 and Thing 2 start getting all jazzed about halloween beginning around, oh, I think MAY. So November 1st is a little anti-climatic around here. They were moping around all morning and talking about what they would be next year! They really want to make the house up all spooky, too, so I guess I'll hit the sales today and pick up a ton of stuff for next year. Hope you guys had fun! Here's some more pics of the boys' adventures..

This is the first year they didn't sad. Thing 1 is Jango Fett from Star Wars (on right) and Thing 2 is a fighter pilot.

My neighbor's 6 month old little Sweet Pea!

I had more but blogger sucks and won't upload any more.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Little asses. I can't believe the tried to take all your candy.

Boys look great!

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

They look so cute!


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