Saturday, November 18, 2006

I Am SOOOOO Excited!! (and I just can't hide it, yeah, yeah)

Friday, MuscleMomma and I went to go talk to this guy named Shawn about helping us with our diets. He was AWESOME!! He's trained many competitors that have not only won their category but the overall as well. That's how MuscleMomma found him. The guy that won the overall in her last competition dates her niece, so she got his number from them. He told us if we trained with him the diet and posing came along with the price, it wouldn't be extra. So, we hesitantly asked him how much he charged and braced ourselves for the worse. See, we pay The Punisher $51 per session EACH when we train together. Otherwise it's $69 per session if you're by yourself. So we're thinking this guy's going to be around $100 or more an hour. He said $50 per session for both. We were thinking, oh o.k., that's what we pay now. He said NO, I mean $50 TOTAL for both which is only $25 each. We just sat there stunned for a moment. He began explaining how he charges his in-home clients $150 an hour, so that gave him the ability to train cheaper inside the gym. We tried to contain ourselves but we were so excited we nearly freaked! MuscleMomma was paying three different people for all those things in her competitions this year! If that's not great enough we totally like his training style, too. He keeps it high paced so you burn more calories and stay leaner. As he put it...."I'm gonna torch your ass!". I have to admit, I'm a little concerned that I may need to drag around a trash bag the first few weeks. Plus he trains on a three day split, so I don't have to spend 2 hours a day 5 days a week in the gym. Woooohooooo!! He also said our diet and supplements were spot on which made us feel better. BUT... NOT.... AS.... GOOD... AS....(drumroll...) saying our bodyfat had to be lower than The Punisher was pinching it at!!!!! He's going to test our BF when we go in on Monday. I won't even say what The Punisher pinched me at on Friday. All I'll say is...well....I cried. Really. Pathetic, I know. But all I could think was, "how could I have let that happen???" I know I was depressed over the injury but CRAP! Well, we'll see on Monday how bad it really is.

On another note, hubs decided to cancel the trip to Amarillo. As you can imagine I was heartbroken. Really. Okay, so not really. 5-6 hours in the car with Thing 1 and Thing 2???? Whatever! If we were going to the beach or Disney World I could tough it out but Amarillo? Yeah, right. So instead I went to the grocery store and dropped almost $300 on food. Can you believe that??? Ugh, groceries are so expensive. That was all meat and veggies mostly....unreal. So after I got home and cooked dinner (very yummy ANd healthy green chili frittata , yum!!) we sat down and watched Elf with the boys. They had never seen it and thought it was hysterical! They crack me up with those giggles! I'm off to bed to rest up the rest of the weekend before I get "Torched"...EEEEK!! If I can type, I'll tell you all about it!


At 7:09 AM, Blogger SusanH said...

OMG! That is such a deal, with diet and posing included?? That is soo awesome. You can't be stopped now! Yes, do tell about how he "torches ur ass".

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Matilda said...

It's awesome you have found a trainer to help lean you out and prep you for competition. I'm actually checking out a few tips about a local gym for help with diet and training too. Hopefully I come back with some good news like you did.

Hope you have a fabulous turkey day!

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Kami said...

So sorry you'll be missing out on Amarillo. I mean, it's just SO MUCH FUN there.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger buffdiva said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Having the right trainer and good advice makes all the difference - congrats and way to go!!! He is cheap as well. That is AWESOME. Trainers are $80-105 an hour where I live so I have switched to training with someone online and i'm happy too.

We watch Elf as well - we were watching the movie 'together'. LOL


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