Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Wheels are in Motion...

The moping around I did all summer after my injury ends NOW. For those of you that regularly read my blog, I fear you might want to remove your bookmark because most of my posts from here on out will be about my progress training for the Texas Shredder next May. The reason I started this blog was to chronicle my journey to my first competition which was SUPPOSE to be this past summer. Thanks to blowing my ankle out 6 weeks prior, I missed that goal and the two that followed. Now that I've completely healed from my ankle surgery and my new additions, I have started hitting my training hard again and that will be my main focus. I'll throw you a gratuitous pic of the boys here and there but if you don't want to hear about lifting, eating, and sore muscles you will be bored. I go. I started the month out at 130lbs and 16% BF...yikes... (I'm 5'5"). I've managed to lose around 5-6 pounds of muscle...mostly in my legs...and put on some fat. My right leg is significantly behind my left in size and strength due to the amount of time I spent off it it. I'm doing legs twice per week and extra sets on the right. SUCKS. I love lifting legs but geez! This week will start my fourth week back in the gym. My strength is returning and MuscleMomma and me even squatted 155lbs! We were laughing at how excited we were since our heaviest before our injuries was 235lb. Big Spread.

I still struggle with chest since getting the new "girls". It doesn't hurt it just feels really freaky. I get totally geeked out when I feel it pull a certain way. I'll probably stay high rep and light weights another month with chest. Besides, who ever heard that a woman lost because her chest wasn't thick enough? Could happen but not likely. My right elbow managed to recover during my time off but my left still has some tendonosis that bothers me when we work biceps. I'm pushing through it though and focusing mostly on barbell and ez bar work since it doesn't hurt as much as dumbbells. (Have I said how much is sucks to be older!!) Shoulder workouts have rocked the past two weeks! So far we've worked back up to 35lb DB's on overhead shoulder press, so only 10 more lbs to go to get back where I was when I left off. We want smokin' shoulders next May, so we're pretty excited to be hitting those hard again.

We both miss working with a trainer. Even though we push each other, I still don't think we push each other hard enough. The Punisher was great at getting me to go heavier than I thought I could most times. I really miss that. But with the new biz taking off I don't have $$$ to spend on training right now. We're both focused and ready to hit the Shredder ripped and hard so I think we can do it on our own. Speaking of....we've both cleaned up our diets. All clean carbs, no more junk. We're desparately trying to find someone here in the Big D to help us with a competition diet. We know WHAT to eat, but we need help leaning down and carb depleting. We have a little bit of time, so I'm sure we'll find someone. MuscleMomma peaked too late in her competitions this year and was really depressed. We have to find someone that is here in town, that actually KNOWS how to lean a natural bodybuilder and that can see us and see our progress. The guy MuscleMomma used last year used the same technique for her that he used for his juicers. Not effective.

Well tomorrow is our heavy leg day. My booty still hurts from all the lunges we did on Saturday so I need to get to bed early tonite. With dreams of dumbbells dancing in my head....


At 9:23 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Hi, just passing by. How exciting it is that u r training for ur 1st show! Wow, that is some weight for squats. Best of luck, I look forward to watching ur progress.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Kami said...

LOL at Valeri.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Matilda said...

Sounds like you are on your way! Yeah I hear ya about the "new girls" you referred too ;). I've had mind for about 2 years this last October, but in time you'll get used to it. I'm looking forward to hearing about the training and getting some motivation. Thanks for stopping by my little blog world. I'm still trying to figure out when I'll do my first competition. I'll keep you posted. Good luck! Keep up the good work!


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