Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Slowed Down by Strep!

Well, instead of blasting legs like I was suppose to yesterday with MuscleMomma, I had to go pick up Thing 1 from school. He had strep throat...ugh. So we've been home together since Monday morning which has been really nice, but he's feeling better and is returning to school tomorrow. Hubs came home early and stayed with the boys so I could go workout and not get behind. I hit legs so hard today, I literally almost fell down in the parking lot. No one probably would have noticed except that I burst out laughing! So I'm sure they either thought I was a special needs person or drunk. I was worried I wouldn't push as hard without MuscleMomma around to call me a wimp but I'm gonna be hurtin' for sure tomorrow. I stretched like a maniac when I got home to keep it from being so bad in the morning. Here's our typical leg day:

Squats: 5 sets 45 (bar warmup)/95/115/135/135/155lbs reps: 15/15/12/12/12/8
Extensions: 4 sets 100/115/125/135 reps: 12/12/12/10
Leg Press: 3 sets 180/270/270 reps: 12/12/10 (sometimes four sets but was really tired today...not enough carbs!)
Medicine Ball curls: 3 sets 15 reps (skipped these today...I know....wimp!)
Walking lunges: 30 lunges, two times

That's just day one! We do legs again on Friday but it's mostly just body weight movements like lunges and step ups. I ate like an animal when I got home and then we had dinner just 1 1/2 hours later! I'm having a real mental issue this time around with adding in all the carbs to bulk. I'm sure it's because I feel like I put on fat while I was laid up. I'm going to try to get pinched tomorrow to see the real damage. Even though I know rationally that I'll work it off with all the heavy lifting the next four months and I NEED it to build the additional muscle...it's still a challenge mentally to move my calories up. I really enjoyed starting the cutting process and seeing all my muscle come out even though I didn't get to see it through. It's just sad to go back the other way again. I'm excited about putting muscle back on but sad at the same time. Sorry, I'm rambling, it's just a really big battle right now.

Tomorrow is back and shoulders...one of our most favorite workouts. We are going for monster shoulders this time around!! The boys are relieved that I'm going to the gym while they're at school. They're sick of going up there with me. They're almost getting a little too old to think the child center is still cool. They think it's so awesome though that their mommy is so strong and they cheer me on as long as they don't have to come along!

By the way...MuscleMomma's arms looked Geeeenormous today!! She's so amazing. I have to get some pics from her to post on here again. She's not beasty...she very beautiful and really built. We tease her constantly though because she's only 5'2". I'll save those jokes for another day :-)!


At 10:20 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

OMG!! I love the work-out and holy cow, are u ever strong!! It took me a few months just to squat 135lbs, and I was so proud. I have this mental issue with squats, I get really nervous, but it has gotten better. I just keep facing it.
I totally know what u mean about eating up to gain that muscle. I was always afraid to eat too much for fear of gaining fat. I made myself eat upwards of 3000 cal/day (w/good carbs) while I was bulking last year. That was tough, but my BF was kept in check because I tried to eat good most of the time. You will need that muscle for the show, so eat up, girl!
I think that it is great that u r not letting ur (previous) injury hold u down. You will compete!

At 7:05 AM, Blogger ThirtyTen said...

SuSan: You SHOULD be proud of 135!! That's awesome! I still get freaked out on squats when I'm working out by myself...that's alot of weight if you get stuck! 3000 calories...ugh. I'm getting there!

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Check you out, you're awesome! I loved reading your last few posts (I could spend way too much time here reading). Thanks for your comments on my blog - I appreciate the motivation!

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

So I'm totally skipping over all the workout stuff but I'm sure that it's quite impressive. Why do you have a song about cheating playing on your blog? Weirdo.


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