Sunday, February 25, 2007

Crazy Legs!

Wow, what a week! You would have heard from me sooner, but hubs was on our computer 24/7 trying to get us switched over to a new online system. Our business has doubled again since starting up last September so it's been really crazy. Combine that with the fact that our coaches are taking turns getting the flu, etc., it's made life BEYOND hectic! I feel like I haven't seen my kids in two weeks, ugh.

Yesterday I had an INSANELY strong leg day...woot..woot!! I didn't need help getting through one single rep the entire workout. Shawn couldn't believe how I was ripping through the sets and hardly breaking a sweat. MuscleMomma jokingly accused me of taking something. My glutes are a tiny bit sore but otherwise I can't even tell I worked legs. Wierd because there was nothing light about the workout. I have started using the night before our leg workout as my cheat night. I think the extra carbs are what's making the difference because I've done that for two weeks now and both weeks I was really strong. MuscleMomma's going to give that a try next week.

10 weeks out today!! EEEEEEK. I'm getting a little nervous about the whole being on stage thing. I've never been front and center all by myself like that before, much less without hardly any clothes on! I'm getting pinched tomorrow to see where I'm at but Shawn's really pleased with what he sees. He thinks I'm right on track and assures me that most of it will come off the last 4 weeks. My abs are coming out and I totally love it!! I'm ready for my legs to be super lean but I know that will be last on me. I've decided that I'm definately going to do both categories and if I laugh while I'm holding that goofy pose in figure...oh well. I think figure goes out first, so that will give me a chance to get over being freaked out before I do my routine. I'm trying to decide on my music this week so I can start getting that together.

I'm off to catch up on you guys now....have a great week! Who knows maybe you'll hear from me again before next weekend!


At 4:39 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Whoo hoo! I'm so excited for u, only 10 wks. You'll be on ur toes doing both categories, but you will have a blast. Did u get those heels yet?

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Hooray a post! That so awesome that your business is doing so well - fills such a need in our kids world.

I just told Newbie and I'm telling you I wanna see pics at some point, I can only imagine how great you look!

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Matilda said...

Sounds like you are kicking butt and taking names :)! I'm so happy for you. I totally feel ya on the stage thing. I'm totally trying not to think about it. It makes me totally nervous! Yikes! We're opposites. My legs are hella lean it's the tummy and back for me that are slowly melting the fat away ;). But then again coach said I carry my weight like a guy. I can't believe how much of our transformation happens during the last couple of weeks. Weight starts to drop and fat melts away. It's like we're butterflies! Too cool!

At 3:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wtg girl. It's about 9 weeks now!!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Okay I posted my excuse, where's yours?

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did your contest go??

Life Is Good

At 9:12 PM, Blogger valeri said...

Now you are making me mad! I had to go to Mrs Dallas K's blog to see a picture of you!! You better update soon~


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