Morning Wake Up CallI got a call last night from the
Football Widow that said I needed to lighten up. My rantings are scaring her. So no bitching today, I'll save it for tomorrow.
Morning conversation:Me: Boys get dressed we have to leave in 15 minutes. Be sure to wear shorts! (Thing 1 has this crazy obsession with jeans, boots, and his spurs sent to him by his west Texas grandmother).
Me: Because it's 100 degrees outside and you're probably going to go outside during vacation bible school.
Thing1: WELLLL, I'm wearing long sleeved pants!! (I just love how he refers to jeans and long sleeved pants. I can't bring myself to correct him. Bad mom!)
Me: Nooooo, you're going to put on shorts like I told you and you're not going to argue with me about it.
SLAAAAMMMMM! Goes his bedroom door.
Thing 2: Why do you always have to tell us what to wear (delivered with the death stare)
Me: Because I'm your mother and I know what's best for you.
Thing 2: Well I'll be glad when I'm all grown up and I can be the boss. I'm tired of you always telling me what to do! I HATE RULES!!! RULES ARE STUPID!!!
Me: ***sigh****, Please go get dressed and go downstairs so we can eat.
A few minutes later downstairs:
Me: What do you guys want to eat?
Thing 1 and Thing 2: Death stare
Me: Answer me or I'm going to choose for you.
Thing 2: I want Fruit Loops and I DON"T want milk to drink!! I want water!! You always make me drink milk and I HATE IT!! Glare
Thing 1: Death stare
Me: Okay, Fruit Loops it is for everyone (just for the record, I don't usually let them have these kinds of cereals, but since they're stuck in the house with a gimp...I've been letting them have a few extra treats.)
Thing 1: I DIDN'T SAY I WANTED STUPID FRUIT LOOPS!! Delivered with Death stare
Me: You have 10 seconds to give me your decision or you get what I give you. If you talk to me like that again, you're getting "the spoon".
Thing 1: humpffff!
I give them BOTH Fruit Loops.
Who said kids are the sweetest in the mornings? They've apparently not ever stopped into my house. I loved it when they were babies and woke up giggling and playing and were so excited to see you. I can't begin to imagine what the teenage years are going to be like. Sorry,
Football Widow....I'm not bitching, just recanting. I can't help it that we're not all sunshine and rainbows around here right now.
I go to the Doc today to get my MRI results. Keep your fingers crossed that I get out of this boot and get to really get with it in the gym again. You know what they say....When momma ain't happy, no one's happy. That's painfully apparent around you can tell.